Exploding Places
Exploding Places is a a new outdoor mobile phone game set in Woolwich, commissioned by Stream in collaboration with digital games designers Active Ingredient. It launches on 24 July 2010 at The Tramshed, Woolwich.
Exploding Places takes you on a journey through time and space. You arrive in a fictional Woolwich, create your own community and place them in the real world Woolwich. Over the space of an hour you and your community travel through 120 years of local and global history. The First World War passes in just a few minutes as you play the game to ensure your survival. Can you grow the strongest community? You can interact with other players, join together and respond to conflict or difficulties in each other’s communities. The ultimate goal is to build a thriving community that growsand creates a new generation, based on health, wealth, knowledge, participation and your contribution to the game.
Exploding Places is a real world SIM city or Monopoly, played live on the streets of Woolwich. You play on the phone screen and through headphones, as you walk the town’s real streets. Exploding Places encourages us to explore and discover Woolwich in a new way, meet other players in both the real and fictional world of the game and
experience the history and geography of Woolwich in a playful way.
To find out more, go to: www.explodingplaces.org, and for details of the launch event, check our News page.
To play you must first register a place:call 020 8858 2825 or email [email protected]